Call us Now! (626) 557-7101 |
A-1 Steel Fence Co.
2210 Chico Ave.
South El Monte, Ca. 91733
(626) 557-7101
info@a1steelfence.com |
Coyote Roller Keeps Dogs in - Coyotes Out!
As Seen on Beverly Hills Pet and Animal Planet
A Simple Concept That Yields Spectacular Results
Coyote Rollers make it difficult for dogs, coyotes, and other animals to gain the "foothold" they need to pull themselves up and over the top of an enclosure. The Coyote Roller is designed to freely rotate with as little as 2 ounces of pressure, and yet withstand 250 lbs.+ of weight in the center of a 4' roller. The system requires no power source, and needs practically no maintenance.
You're Closer To Nature Than Ever
As American cities sprawl into the highlands and foothills, more and more suburban developments are being plagued by coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, and other types of predatory animals on the prowl for food and water. Your children and pets are at risk. Protect them from exposure to vermin with the Coyote Fence Roller system, the most humane, non-lethal aesthetically pleasing animal prevention/deterrent device on the market to date.
Don't Lose a Beloved Family Member
In a four-week period of time between April and May 2001, four coyote attacks on small children were reported in the Las Vegas area alone (Las Vegas Review-Journal, May 9 2001). The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that complaints about coyotes have been "increasing steeply since 1992."
A Humane Solution
Rather than use dangerous electric fencing, or ragged barbed wire to keep predators at bay, the Coyote Roller simply denies, the animal, passage. In fact, one case study demonstrated that Coyote Fence Roller's not only reduced the attempts of coyotes to invade the property, they have ceased approaching the property at all!
Enhance Property Values
The Coyote Roller fully complies with most local ordinances and homeowner association requirements. In fact, the Coyote Roller is a handsome system that can even enhance property values with its elegant structure and streamlined appearance.